After 2020 turmoil, new music will flow from local acts
By Andy Gray
Plans have a way of changing even in the best of years.
No one would call 2020 the best of years, and few people had their plans disrupted as much as musicians, whose profession includes all sorts of behaviors that are discouraged — and banned — during a global viral pandemic.
But acts unable to play crowded bars, festivals and other venues didn’t sit at home and pout. They channeled their talents into writing and recording new music and developing other new projects they “plan” on releasing in 2021.
Ticket reached out to area performers about what they have on tap for 2021, and the response was great enough that the answers will be spread out over two weeks (at least).
And, not to state the obvious, all plans are subject to change.
The Vindys
The Youngstown band — Jackie Popovec, guitar and lead vocals; John Anthony, guitar; Rick Deak, guitar; Ed Davis, drums; and Matt Jackson, bass — plans to release a follow-up to its 2017 full-length debut “Keep Going” and a live set in 2021.
The studio album “Bugs,” was started at the beginning of 2020 at Court Street Recordings and was finished in early March just before the statewide shutdown, Anthony said. It was mixed by Jim Stewart, Michael Estok and Ryan West, and features some songs that are a stylistic departure from the bluesy, jazzy rock that has built a growing regional following for the band. The band hasn’t picked a release date yet.
Also coming is a live set recorded at Youngstown’s Westside Bowl in October 2019.
“If we are able to get out and tour this upcoming year, we plan to do a Midwest / East Coast tour that will cover areas including Chicago, NYC and Nashville,” Anthony said.
One show already is planned — a Feb. 27 concert that will have limited in-person seating at the Canton Palace Theatre as well as a streaming option. And the band is hoping some of its high-profile 2020 bookings get rescheduled in 2021, including a slot on the Wonderstruck music festival in Kirtland and a spot on a Women Who Rock benefit concert at Stage AE in Pittsburgh, where The Vindys would share the stage with Nancy Wilson of Heart, Sheila E. and singer / actor Rita Wilson.